Why Does My AC Smell Bad and How to Fix It?

April 11, 2024

If you’re experiencing foul-smelling odors when your AC runs, you probably want to figure out what’s happening quickly. Read on to learn more about what causes AC odors and how to fix it. What Causes AC Odors? Below are four of the most common reasons that AC units produce odors. If you are unsure how to diagnose which issue you have, a professional can help you to discern the cause. 1. You Have a Clogged Drain Line Your AC’s drain line can clog over time and become filled with algae, mold, and other debris. Not only does this problem prevent...

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What to Do If Your AC Is Leaking Water

March 7, 2024

Is your AC leaking water, and you don’t know what to do? If so, here are the four most important steps to take. 1. Turn Off the AC’s Power Supply If your air conditioner leaks, you must immediately turn off the power to avoid electrical dangers and possible damage to the unit. To safely turn off the power, locate the circuit breaker or disconnect the switch dedicated to the air conditioner unit and switch it to the “off” position. 2. Use Buckets or Towels to Limit Damage Place towels strategically around the affected area to limit damage from a leaky...

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How to Reduce Your Heating Bills in Winter

February 14, 2024

Rising energy costs are an increasing concern among homeowners in the United States. As a result, they are getting creative and finding ways to save on heating bills. Some are minor adjustments, like wearing warmer clothes when relaxing at home and turning down the thermostat. Other energy-saving opportunities take more time and effort but are worthwhile, and as a plus, you’ll be living a greener lifestyle. 1. Service Your Heating System Sometimes, saving money in the long run costs you upfront. Experts recommend scheduling a heating system tune-up each fall to make sure your heater is ready to run efficiently....

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

January 17, 2024

You expect a furnace to blast warm air into your home to bring it up to the temperature you’ve set on your thermostat. When you get cold air instead, it can cause a pit in your stomach and a bit of anxiety as you wonder about the problem and the cost to fix it. Fortunately, not all possible problems are expensive, and some are easy to resolve on your own. Consider these common reasons why your furnace may be blowing cold air and how to resolve it. The Heating Cycle Just Started When the cool air comes from the supply...

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What to look for when purchasing a new gas furnace for your home

December 14, 2023

The life expectancy for a gas furnace is typically somewhere around 15 years. If you have an old furnace you need to replace, you have a wide range of options to consider. Deciding which furnace option is best can be difficult, so here are the main things you’ll want to consider to help ensure you make the right choice. Furnace Size and BTUs The first step in choosing a new gas furnace is to determine how many BTUs you need to heat your home effectively. When sizing a furnace, the technician will need to perform what’s known as a load...

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When Should You Get Your Indoor Air Quality Tested?

November 14, 2023

When you are relaxing or hosting celebrations in your Deptford home, you want to ensure that everyone can breathe easily. If your indoor air quality is poor, this could negatively alter the comfort of everyone inside your home. Learning about the signs of poor indoor air quality and some common ways to improve it will ensure that you enjoy every minute you spend inside your home. Allergies and Respiratory Irritation If you have pre-existing allergies, poor air quality may make your symptoms worse. With indoor pollutants, you may experience itchy throat, watery eyes and skin rashes. If you have asthma,...

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How to Know When It’s Time for a New Furnace

October 19, 2023

Furnace replacement is a big decision. Not only is there a significant cost involved, but an installation project also takes time. Before you commit yourself to replacing your heating unit, you’ll want to make sure it’s the right decision. Weighing several factors can help you figure out whether furnace replacement is the best choice for your home. Age Most homeowners get at least 15 years’ worth of use out of their furnaces. After that, it may be time to start thinking about a replacement. It doesn’t mean that you have to automatically replace your furnace at that point. In fact,...

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5 Benefits of Installing a Ductless System in Your Home

September 13, 2023

In the sweltering summer heat, homeowners yearn for comfort. Unfortunately, many traditional HVAC systems do not deliver much-needed comfort. However, a ductless system is one revolutionary solution that has gained popularity in recent years and promises to make your home cozy. With its ability to provide efficient cooling and heating without requiring a series of ductwork, a ductless system offers many perks that make it an appealing option. From energy savings to improved indoor air quality, the following are the five most captivating reasons why a ductless system might be the best choice for your home. 1. Easy Installation Process...

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Why Fall Is a Great Time to Get Your HVAC System Serviced

August 14, 2023

Your home’s HVAC system should really always be professionally maintained and serviced twice a year if you want it to work effectively and keep your home comfortable. It’s always a good idea to have your air conditioning maintained in the spring so it works well all summer, and fall is the best time to get your heating system serviced to ensure it’s ready for winter and can effectively keep your home warm. With that in mind, here are some of the important benefits of having your HVAC system serviced each fall. Improved Effectiveness and Energy Efficiency Having your HVAC system...

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Stay Comfortable Indoors All Summer Long

July 12, 2023

On a hot summer’s day, you want your home to feel like a cool oasis. Of course, you’d also rather avoid eye-popping sticker shock when your power bill arrives a month later. To balance your desire for comfort with your budgetary considerations, don’t rely solely on your AC this summer. Instead, take steps to supplement your air conditioner’s hard work. That way, you can achieve a cool house without using more electricity than necessary. Invest in a Few Fans Household fans are a smart addition to your cooling plan. Fans move air around; that displaces warm air and helps you...

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